Authenticity, quality and efficiency.
These are the three main factors behind the hand crafted, high quality and elegantly designed GC Windsor Knot and Tie.
Take a moment to view our product launch campaign on Give Send Go. Help us reach our goal so we can begin to change men’s fashion forever.
Our story
Just about every invention begins with a quirky idea and the GC Windsor is no exception. If the sound of a bowtie tie sounds like a hilarious joke, then you would be correct to think so. After thinking thoroughly of where that idea could lead, I luckily abandoned it and had my eureka moment. What if you could separate the knot from the necktie? I took that idea back to my home where I initiated the root of my plan. With a pair of scissors and two of my precious neckties, I went ahead and knotted one of them into a pristine double Windsor. Without hesitation I cut out the knot out and placed it next to my other tie. From that moment on, a feeling I could never forget sprouted inside me. A passion so ferocious grew within me that I push myself to learn how to sew to the point of mastering the craft.
All of my hard work paid off with my mother’s teachings, culminating into the product that we have here today, a complete evolution to the traditional necktie. A product that sacrifices nothing and only adds to its original design. I look forward to what the future holds for the GC Windsor.

The Founder
Jeffrey De La Nuez
I am a hard-working, proud American/Dominican from Florida. My sense of direction and mental fortitude are my strongest traits. These characteristics are what ground me with my American values and fortifies me from wavering to social pressures or ideologies. This drive of mine will help me turn GC Windsor into a company that will stand the test of time. With my ideals, this company will become a staple of American innovation and eventually stand next to the giants of the fashion industry.
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